Homework 1: Linear Algebra and Floating Point Arithmetic
Linear Algebra
- Consider the random matrix. Describe the Behavior and relationship between and . Why their overall trend is similar? Does the definition of ill-conditioning depend on the norm used? Is there a relationship between the condition number of a matrix and the relative error of the computed solution?
- Consider the Vandermonde matrix. Describe the behavior and relationship between and . Why their overall trend is similar? Does the definition of ill-conditioning depend on the norm used?Is there a relationship between the condition number of a matrix and the relative error of the computed solution?
- Consider the Hilbert matrix. Describe the behavior and relationship between and . Why their overall trend is similar? Does the definition of ill-conditioning depend on the norm used?Is there a relationship between the condition number of a matrix and the relative error of the computed solution?
Homework 2: SVD and PCA for Machine Learning
SVD Decomposition (Dyads)
Consider two different images. What do you observe if you compare the rank approximation of an image for increasing values of ? Is there a relationship between the meaningfulness of the dyad of for a given and the value of the associated singular value? What do you observe if you plot the approximation error compared with the plot of , for increasing values of ?
Consider an image and let be the -rank approximation of . What is the compression factor ? What is its behavior for increasing values of ? How does it relates with the visual quality of the image ? What is the approximation error when the compressed image requires the same amount of informations of those of the uncompressed image (i.e. )?
SVD Classification
- Consider the SVD Classification algorithm for the digits 3 and 4 on MNIST dataset. Describe how it works. Discuss the obtained misclassification rate.
- Consider the SVD Classification algorithm for the digits 3 and 4 on MNIST dataset. Compare the obtained misclassification rate on the training set and on the test set. Describe the concepts of underfitting and overfitting. Does the SVD Classification algorithm shows overfitting/underfitting?
- Repeat the experiment for different digits other than 3 or 4. There is a relationship between the visual similarity of the digits and the classification error?
- Consider the SVD Classification algorithm for the digits 3 and 4 on MNIST dataset. What happens to the accuracy when grows? Why the accuracy over the test set does not increase monotonically?
- Discuss the method to extend the SVD Classification algorithm to a 3-digit example. Discuss the resuls obtained by varying the combination of digits.
Clustering with PCA
- What is a Clustering algorithm? Explain how the PCA works to clusterize MNIST digits.
- Compute the average distance of the centroid on the training and test set. There are some differences?
- Define the classifier associated with PCA. Discuss the results.
- Define the classifier associated with PCA. What happens to the accuracy when grows? Does the accuracy over the test set does not increase monotonically in ? Why?
Homework 3: Optimization
Gradient Descent (GD)
- Comparison between GD with and without backtracking (for different ). What is the behavior for different functions? Explain.
- By looking the plots of , of the error and of , compare the convergence speed for different functions and for different values of , constant and chosen with backtracking procedure.
- Consider the function 1. By looking the plots of , of the error and of , discuss the convergence by changing the starting iterate, the tolerances and the step size.
- Consider the function 2. By looking the plots of , of the error and of , discuss the convergence by changing the starting iterate , the tolerances and the step size.
- Consider the function 3. By looking the plots of , of the error and of , discuss the convergence by changing the value of as in the homework trace, the tolerances and the step size.
- Consider the function 4. By looking the plots of , of the error and of , discuss the convergence by changing the value of as in the homework trace, the tolerances and the step size.
- Consider the function 5. Discuss the point of GD with different values of x0 and different step-sizes. Observe when the convergence points the global minimum and when it stops on a local minimum or maximum.
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Discuss the behavior of the logistic regression classifier varying the training set dimension ().
- Discuss the behavior of the logistic regression classifier varying the two considered digits.
- What are the differences at convergence of the parameters when computed by GD and SGD, in particular the error of against the true solution?
- Compare the accuracy of the Logistic Regression Classifier against the SVD classifier defined above for the same considered digits (two digits only).
- Optional: Compare the accuracy of the Logistic Regression Classifier against the SVD classifier defined above for three digits for the same considered digits.
Homework 4: MLE and MAP
- What is the behavior of the trained regressor model , where is the MLE solution under Gaussian assumptions, for increasing values of ? Explain the plot where the training and the test error are compared for increasing values of .
- What is the behavior of the trained regressor model , where is the MAP solution under Gaussian assumptions, for increasing values of and fixed ? Explain the plot where the training and the test error are compared for increasing values of .
- What is the behavior of the trained regressor model , where is the MAP solution under Gaussian assumptions, for fixed value lower and/or greater than the true and different ?
- Comment the difference in relative error between the MLE and MAP solutions, for given and increasing . What happens when increases, if everything else stays the same? What are the differences between the solution computed via GD, SGD and Normal Equations? Does the relative error between the computed weights and the true weights relates with the accuracy of the computed model? Explain.